How does Bluapple® work?
Ethylene gas (C2H4=CH2) is a harmless, odorless, colorless, gas that is produced from both natural and man-made sources, and that has a profound effect on the freshness of produce. The ethylene gas molecule is very reactive and Bluapple Produce Saver oxidizes it into a state harmless to fruits and vegetables.
The effects of ethylene gas on produce were discovered by accident. For years, lemon growers had stored newly harvested green lemons in sheds kept warm by kerosene heaters until they turned yellow and ripened enough to deliver to market. When new electric heating systems were installed, the lemons no longer turned yellow on time. Investigation soon found that the critical factor in the ripening process was the ethylene gas given off by the burning kerosene in the heaters. In fact, it was discovered that fruits and vegetables actually produce ethylene as they ripen.
Experts believe that ethylene gas acts as a signal to other plants to synchronize and coordinate ripening, maximizing the appeal of the plant to their seed disseminators (e.g. birds) and assuring the dispersal of their seeds. Scientists have since studied the effects of ethylene gas on produce and found that the effects are widespread. Even after harvest, fruits, vegetables and flowers are still alive, continuing their biochemical processes, including ripening and the generation of ethylene gas. Bruising or cutting some fruits and vegetables can even cause them to increase their ethylene gas production. For more information CLICK HERE.
The industry has developed technology to manage the amount of ethylene gas in order to accelerate or slow down ripening and spoilage. Commercial warehouses, ships, and trucks are nearly all fitted either with ethylene absorption technology or ethylene generation machines. When you buy fruits and vegetables and bring them home, they sit on your counter or in your refrigerator where ethylene gas accumulates and accelerates the ripening process. Experts say average households throw away over $600 worth of produce each year due to accelerated spoilage from ethylene gas.
Bluapple® has been developed to bring industry technology to your home, save you money, and reduce food waste. Bluapple® has been thoroughly tested. You can click HERE to download a copy of the latest independent test results!
Sodium permanganate (NaMnO4) is a safe, inert compound used in a number of familiar applications such as in drinking water treatment systems, and when combined with ethylene gas it reacts and changes into a harmless manganese oxide (a sort of “rust”) and carbon dioxide. Sodium permanganate is a safe and effective oxidizer, but we still need a way to deliver it to where ethylene gas exists. Bluapple® uses natural clinoptilolite, commonly known as zeolite as the carrier medium. Zeolite is volcanic ash that has been turned to rock over eons. Although there are numerous forms of zeolite, Bluapple® uses a form which is highly porous and possesses a very high total surface area.

When the sodium permanganate is applied to this pure zeolite using a special proprietary process, the result is a highly effective ethylene gas absorber that also has an extremely long life. Bluapple® has the highest percentage of available reactant and the longest life per gram of any other ethylene absorption product.
The NaMnO4 impregnated zeolite granules are then packaged in special membrane packets that are water resistant, but are highly permeable to ethylene gas, and these packets are then encased in our patented plastic Bluapple® shells in order to maximize airflow into and around the packets.
Each Bluapple® is designed to last up to three months assuming a typical household volume of produce use. We recommend that two Bluapples be used at the same time for a typical household in order to maximize the absorption effectiveness, though for smaller households one may provide ample protection. Full Year Refill Kits for your two Bluapples are available on our website.
When it is time to replace the packet, don't throw the spent zeolite granules away! We recommend that you put the spent zeolite granules in your houseplants or in your garden. They are a natural soil and the residual MnO2 provides trace minerals to the soil. Your plants will love it.